As part of the online Dog training tips series I wanted to take a look at what kind of jobs there are available for Dog training. Many people would love to be able to make a living via Dog training jobs and to be honest it intrigued me. Not that I could ever do it or would wish to. It is not something that I would have the time for or could find the business, living in a remote area as I do. This will be interesting for a few people though and I simply wanted to see what […]
Dog Training Online Tip Number 8
After the first Dog training online tip I have been honest about how real life is with real Dogs. Sometimes is it great, sometimes it is annoying and sometimes it is nothing but frustrating. This is the reality but thankfully the overriding factor is that people who own Dogs are made to smile more every day than a lot of those that don’t. Todays Dog training online tip is simply centred around having more fun. It is about making you smile more and your Dogs too. It’s about doing something that makes you forget that you had a ****** […]
Online Dog Training Tips Number 7 – Training Never Ends
Well, I finally just upgraded this site. It was running on an ancient version of wordpress but I had the fear. I was worried that I would do something wrong in the process of updating to the new version of wordpress. Luckily I found this plugin and the whole thing took 5 minutes. If you are in the same boat I can’t recommend it enough. Anyways, not very interesting for you i’m sure. As part of the Dog training online series I mentioned in the Dog training for dummies post the other day that things don’t always go as […]
Online Dog Training Number 6 – Some Odd Questions Answered
I was just browsing through my Statcounter stats at what led people to the site today and to be honest I was quite surprised. I wanted to see what online Dog training related questions people were searching for and being directed to me for. Not all of the following are training related but I couldn’t resist. I will give the questions or terms that people wrote exactly as they typed them in to a search engine and then provide the answers they were looking for. Please bear in mind that these are real and I am not making them […]
Dog Training Online Episode 5 – Dog Training For Dummies
In this Dog training online series I have been giving down to earth and straightforward tips to help to have a better life with your Dog. No fancy pants nonsense and no gimmicks. If you want to be able to get your Dog to perform stupid tricks then look elsewhere. I aim to provide Dog training online advice that is easily implemented and easy to use. Too many online Dog training “so called” tips and supposed advice is actually nothing more than a way for you to part with lots of money for a Dog training course that may […]
Online Dog Training Tips Number 4
Just a quick post today as life is quite busy at the moment. Although not strictly an online Dog training tip as such I was interested to see this pop up in my dashboard for this Dog blog. I had no real knowledge of the number of views these posts had and they seem to be some of the most viewed posts on this site. While not online Dog training tips there is some valuable information for all Dog owners. The female Dog spaying post in particular has a lot of reader comments and although not about Dog training […]
Online Dog Training Tips Number 3
It’s time for the third online Dog training tip in the series. As you know I am a realist, I don’t claim to be a fantastic Dog trainer and, in fact, my interest lies purely in having controllable Dogs that know the basics of Dog training. Not for me are complicated commands and manoeuvres required or even wanted. I don’t need my Dogs to dance on their hind legs or perform for fun. I want Dogs that do as they are told more often than not, if only purely from a safety point of view. This is not to […]