Online Dog Training Tips Number 2

Here we are at the second online Dog training tips post. Don’t forget you can send a tip via the woof me page and have your site featured if the article is accepted. This online Dog training tip is all about keeping the Dogs off the furniture. This is something I have struggled with a few times and to be honest because we go through fazes of allowing the three bone munchers on the sofas at night and then stopping it I really should take my own advice. The problem for me and many other Dog owners is the […]

Dog Training – Online Tips Number 1

Time for a month of Online Dog Training Tips. As long as I have the time there will be a Dog training tip every day for the next 30 days. If you would like to contribute a tip and ease my heavy burden (sigh) then send me an email via the contact page with your article and a few links to your site if you have one. Anything that can help with Dog training or Dog obedience or making living with Dogs  an all round better experience will be considered. Here is the first Dog Training Online Tip How […]

Online Dog Training- Tips To Help Quickly Train Dogs

Before I give some of the best training tips I have found through trial and error bringing up Dogs over the years I first want to give a quick update on where I am up to in my endeavors to replace some of the, to put it bluntly, total rubbish that is to be found when you type in Dog training online, or online Dog training. I know some of you are probably bored with me by now but it won’t be long. I have been trying to get this site to be one of the top results when […]

Online Dog Training Tips

With the wealth of online Dog training tips available to new Dog owners there is still a real lack of basic but good training tips to be found. Too much information that can be found fails to give the most basic of Dog training tips that all owners, especially new ones,  need to master. I am sorry to say that nearly all online Dog training sites are little more than a collection of articles taken from someone else or a list of books to purchase. There are a few basic tips that will make any Dog training a lot […]

Dog Training Online – Some FREE Resources

After the Dog Training Online post from yesterday I was pleased to see that it is already beginning to get some visitors from people searching for online Dog training and associated terms such as: Dog Obedience School Dog Training School And even “become a Dog trainer”. It is good to know that the so called professional Internet Marketers who pick topics to write about can be beaten by a site that has been around for a while now. It got me to thinking just how many Dog sites could get on to the first few pages for Dog training […]

Dog Training Online

I have been spending a considerable amount of time reading about all aspects of looking after Dogs lately. Browsing search engine results for Dog related subjects can bring up some quite interesting results. Any regular readers may have noticed we have gone for a bit of a re-branding here at what I have now called the unProfessional Online Dog Training School. I wouldn’t dare think of myself as anything approaching what we like to call a “professional”. What I have always tried to do here is to write about Dog related subjects that most of us as Dog owners […]

Stop Digging Dogs

The Dogs always seem to want something new (and messy) to entertain themselves with. As our two oldest Dogs, Faye and Daisy, begin to settle down, and are over the total exuberance of puppy-hood , Jet, the daughter of Daisy, is trying to take on the responsibility of being naughty for all three Dogs! We still call Jet the puppy, although she is ten months old now, but I guess that she will forever be referred to as the Puppy on this Dog blog. She has always been a well behaved Dog, she hardly ever caused any trouble at […]