Danger On The Catalan Mountainside (should I Stop Dogs Chasing)?

Thursday evening I got back home later than I wanted to. It was just about to get dark so I gathered the little monsters and decided a quick walk was in order before it was dark. We had only gone a hundred paces or so when I realised it was now acually very difficult to see. I could see the outline of the track though so we carried on with our walk through the Catalan countryside. I should have done what we always do if it is about to get dark and that is carry a torch. Not so […]

There Will Be Peace on The Mountainside…..finally

This morning I went to check on the  chicken situation and it seems that finally mother nature with a bit of help from the vast swarms of vultures that come to feed have finally depleted the chicken pile. Looking After Dogs Just Got A Lot Easier This is fantastic news as me and the three girls can finally get back to the life we know and love. After weeks I can finally just open the door and let them out to run around, and boy did they. The weeks of only having two walks a day but no extra […]

My Dogs Are Taking Advantage

We all drove home late yesterday with 50 litres of freshly pressed Olive Olive Oil in the boot. Not bad from 300 KG of Olives. Anyway it was dark and cold when we got home so I stumbled around outside loading up on wood in a big wicker basket to take inside. Holding a torch and a big pile of wood is not the easiest and needless to say I dropped a big log of super hard Almond wood on my big toe. I let the log know how I felt and hobbled inside and made sure it got […]

A Good Dog Day………………………………….until.

The day was planned. I was heading to the coast with all three monsters as I would be out for a long time and wanted to keep the house standing. I was heading down from the mountain to my Mums house. She lives somewhere sensible near to the ocean and with nice easy access. We on the other hand live up a Catalan mountain at 500m along a 2 KM dirt track only accessible with a 4X4. We all got in the car and as I am on a roll with car problems of late it wouldn’t start. I […]

Midnight Reflections

After starting to, and failing to finish watching a John Travelodge (that’s right isn’t it?) film about fighting fires and being macho I decided my time would be better spent having a peaceful read in bed with a substantial glasss of wine and just chill out. Ahhh… Moments like this. Relaxing and  being comfortable and warm. The big girls were downstairs and Jet the puppy was snuggled on the bed. Well, for a few minutes, until she  remembered that there was still a “looky likey” in the mirror in the dressing room. My peace was somewhat shattered as this […]

Zen And The Art Of Dog Training.

I am of course no expert on the care and training of dogs and puppies but I can offer a few insights into the do’s and dont’s of dog training. Looking after dogs is no easy thing, especially at first when they have had little or no training. Your new dog, in my case dogs will test you to the limits to see who is top of the pack. Straight away one technique I do perform to make them know who is boss is somewhat controversial. Whenever one of the dogs misbehaves (which gets less frequent as they grow […]

Welcome To The Three Dog Blog

This very well could have been a Seven Dog Blog! Thank goodness it isn’t. Daisy gave birth to 5 pups but luckily through friends and lots of advertising we now have only 3 dogs. Firstly let me introduce you to the girls: There is Faye who we had in September of 2007 when she was an eight week pup Daisy who we got from the pound at about three months of age in October 2007 Jet, another female who is the remaining puppy from Daisies litter and was born late June 2008 For anyone thinking of getting three dogs […]