I have spoken before about how different our Dogs personalities are. Looking after Dogs is always a challenge, and Shy Dog Training needs a very careful approach. I was reminded of this earlier today when we arrived Home. Myself and Mrs. Three Dog Blogger had gone off to Town on a visit and decided we would take Jet with us so we could keep an eye on her as part of her Dog Spaying Recovery program. She is doing well but still a little too energetic to be left to run around at home for hours on end. We […]
Dog Scooters. Dog Powered Scooter Fun
I came across this the other day and it looks like a lot of fun. Dog Scooters. We have all heard of Huskies pulling sleds in the snow but how about doing something similar on country lanes or even down the local cycle lane? Dog Powered Scooter Dog Scooters For Great Exercise Looking in to the world of Dog Scooters I am amazed I have not heard more about it. I guess that’s where living up a mountain in the middle of nowhere gets you! In the UK we often used to cycle for about eight miles with our […]
Shy Dog Training
As you are all aware, I have three Dogs but the shy Dog training only applies to one of them. Their personalities could not be more different. Faye is always confident, full of life, bossy, loud, big and bolshy. Jet, the puppy of Daisy, takes quite a bit after her Mum. She is still young and fairly shy but is much more timid than Faye. Jet has many of the characteristics of Daisy. Much more eager to please (if she feels confident enough) and no where near as naughty! Daisy, our shy Dog, came from the pound almost a […]
Things A Dog Owner Should Know
There are certain things all Dog owners should know. Information abounds on the Internet but it can be misleading at times or just difficult to find. When you search for topics you are bombarded with a huge list of possible resources. This blog has been running for just over three months now and the following is continuing to grow. There is a decent number of subscribers (don’t forget to subscribe if you haven’t already done so) and more people coming to the site every day. People arrive here looking for all sorts of information related to Dogs or sometimes […]
Do You Alpha Roll?
Alpha Rolling or “pinning” has many advocates but as many who are totally opposed to it. It involves rolling the Dog on its back and pinning its head to the floor by holding its neck. Many say it does nothing as a corrective punishment and is NOT as some (including me) believe, copying how Dogs act naturally. All the opinions in this post are mine alone. I am NOT recommending anyone to try any of the techniques. Alpha rolling is a training tool for seriously bad behaviour and if you are not totally sure of how your Dog will […]
Top Tips For Leash Training A Dog
Whether you use a conventional Collar and Lead arrangement, a choker chain or any number of the myriad of different leash/lead combinations out there, a few basic rules can make the process of Leash training a Dog much simpler. See my post on Choker Chain Dog Training for what I recommend. Our Dogs are seldom on the lead because we live in the country and often there is no need, but we have made it a point to still regularly train them on the lead so when the need arises they are easier too handle. Bear in mind this […]