Before I give some of the best training tips I have found through trial and error bringing up Dogs over the years I first want to give a quick update on where I am up to in my endeavors to replace some of the, to put it bluntly, total rubbish that is to be found when you type in Dog training online, or online Dog training. I know some of you are probably bored with me by now but it won’t be long.
I have been trying to get this site to be one of the top results when people type in those words so that at least there is a chance of people getting some free basic Dog training advice. Not just from me but from the sites in the blogroll and the sites that I link out to in the last few Dog training online posts. Here is how I have been doing over the last few days. The Dog training online – Some free resources post is now near the top of page 2 in the mighty G for the search Dog training online and for online Dog training I am on page 3 for the same post. Not too bad and with a few links to those posts (hint) they could be a lot better. I am just trying to get some real sites listed so people can see what the real world of living with Dogs is like. Anyway to the new readers sorry about the ramble. I guess if you are reading this then you have already waded through some of the less informative sites for those search terms.
Some Tips To Help Train Dogs Quickly
I am by no means a great Dog trainer. I just learn a few things along the way to help with basic training of my pesky bone munchers. Having three Dogs is always a challenge so I am always looking for shortcuts when there are any to get some semblance of control over what could otherwise be “Doggie chaos”. Here are a few of my top tips to get some basic control and obedience over your Dog.
Exposure To Other Dogs
This is without doubt one of the best ways I have found to speed up training. If a young or poorly socialised Dog can be exposed to well trained Dogs they simply learn commands much quicker. If you let your Dog be around other Dogs that are given commands and perform them well then your Dog will learn by example. They really do hear the commands and notice what other Dogs are doing. I didn’t even have to really teach our youngest Dog Jet to sit at all. She did it the first time I actually told her to. She had seen what the other two girls did when told to sit and when it was her turn she knew exactly what to do.
Letting other Dogs lead by example is a very efficient way to train your Dog. If you have other Dogs already in your household then ensuring that any new Dogs experience as much of your training with them as possible will certainly help speed up the Dog obedience training.
Get Medieval On Their *****
Sorry about the reference there. Turn off the TV for a day and devote it fully to some intense Dog training. Forget reading about online Dog training and sites like this. Have a TV and PC free day. No distractions, just some god old fashioned living. Devote an entire day to improving how well your Dog heels or how quickly it comes when called and you will be amazed at the difference. I have said countless times how much repetition plays an important role in Dog training. A day devoted to any obedience training will result in quite a dramatic improvement.
Pack a picnic, get up early and take the Dog out for a massive walk. Let your Dog have lots of exercise and then devote the rest of the day and evening to training. A full day of Dog related activity really will work wonders. Have lots of fun with the bone muncher but also get some serious training done.
What do you think would happen if you called your Dog to heel 200 times in a day? It would dramatically improve how it reacts to your command. A high intensity day of full on Dog training will result in such a marked difference you may well make it a regular or irregular occurence.
Bribery And Corruption
Faye, for reasons beyond which my simple brain can comprehend, has a total fascination with pine cones. I think she would learn to talk if the end result was a room filled with lovely crunchy cones. Jet and Dasiy, on the other hand, are way to clever to fall for such juvenile things. They are, however, slightly food crazed, especially Jet.
If your Dogs are anything like most other Dogs then there is one thing that they will do almost anything for. Use it to your advantage. Before you do use their main interest as a means of bribery to perform training tasks, a word of warning. Don’t use it very often and limit the time you use their obsession to your advantage. You do not want a Dog that becomes even more obsessed with a ball or whatever it may be.
Take the opportunity to get your Dog to perform commands but also use the time to break their obsession. They will perform well if the reward is what they crave. Then continue without the reward and use simple praise instead. The lingering memory of their beloved toy will keep them being good for some time. When this begins to wear off call it a day. It has always worked well for my three Dogs, it is just a matter of knowing when to stop.
The Top Training Tip For Fast Results
It may be one of the most obvious but it is also the most overlooked. The single most important factor in Dog training is …………
Before you try any serious training go for a long walk or preferably a run. A tired Dog that has burnt off excess energy simply responds better to training. There is absolutely no doubt about it. Good amounts of exercise is the key to Dog training and without it you simply make life more difficult for yourself.
Hopefully these few tips will improve your Dog training. Understanding what is needed to succeed at training your Dog is often looking you sqaure in the face. Now forget about reading about online Dog training and go and do some training instead.
ps. If you want real online Dog training information then don’t forget to check out all the resources in the sidebar. There is lots of great information on many of the Dog blogs listed there.
Here are a few great post that anyone interested in Dog training should read:
101 Things You Should Know Before Getting A Dog
May the Doggie Force be with you all,
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I like the new look to your site. I think it will go over well. Thank you for the link, I appreciate it!
This is very tip top information, well done on highlighting some great tips and linking to more.
Thank you.