Social Media In A Dog Blog World

This is just a quick note to inform you of a few updates.

Firstly, I have added various Social Media buttons to the bottom of each post.  You are, of course, encouraged to click on them and submit the posts to your favourite sites.  If there are any I have not added but you would like to see then let me know.

Secondly, the Top Commenters plugin on the sidebar.  I have Gravatar enabled it.  For those who don’t have a Gravatar you are encouraged to go to and upload an image.  Many blogs now use them and the same image will follow you around the web whenever you comment.

Also, I am sorry to those of you I have removed from the Top Commenters positions.  I know that it encourages people to comment but from now on I am being much stricter.  Any overtly affiliate type commenters or names will not be allowed on the list.  In just one day it started looking like an advert for a well know E-Book affiliate company.  I have to be strict on this from now on as it was just getting silly in just a day.

I wish everyone well in their endeavours but I have to think about my site and other less commercial commenters who deserve the positions much more.

Anyway, normal business shall now be resumed.

May the Doggie Force be with you al.

7 Responses to “Social Media In A Dog Blog World”

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  1. I dunno if you got my msg earlier, but you have to check out my blog post titled “Wag the Tail”

    It’s a dog video, or a link to a video anwaysy – and I think you’ll really like it 🙂

    Taris Janitens’s last blog post..Another War Story: Wag the Tail

  2. the three dog blogger says:

    Taris, I didn’t get your message. I will check it out though.

  3. Lindsay says:

    I like having the top commenters show on my blog. And when others have it, I look at it.

  4. Hey there if you have free time, would you be able to let me know what the plugin you used to add those to the bottom was and how you got the what would seth godin do plugin to display on the bottom of your posts instead of the top.. I would really appreciate it.


    MMdogtraining’s last blog post..Clicker Training Explained: An Introduction to Clicker Training

  5. Three Dog Blogger says:

    Hey Mark, no problem.For the wwsg plugin go to settings then click on wwsgd, there you can choose before or after post and also change your text etc. Should be easy for you.

    The plugin for the social media buttons? You cna find it at Again once installed use settings then click on the plugin and you can choose which ones you want to appear and the size etc. Pretty cool isn’t it?

    Let me know if this helps or you any problems. Al the best.

  6. Thank you very muc, super reply, keep up the good work with your blog, I love reading, enjoyable to say the least.

  7. Poochies Mom says:

    I love the dog blog!!! How perfect!