Dog Blog Delights – Name your favourite

I read quite a few Dog blogs and go through fazes of which ones are my favourites.

It depends what mood I am in to be honest.  Mostly though I like a good mix of informative posts and some lighthearted stuff.  That being said I do like waking to some fun stuff to read.

This post is all about letting everyone find some great new blogs to look at.

I want everyone to leave a comment giving their favourite Dog Blog of the moment.  Tell us why you like it or just leave the link.

This blog is Do-Follow meaning that any link you leave will be a credit to your favourite blog.  If you don’t know what that means, don’t worry.  No self promotion if you have a Dog Blog, you already get a link just by leaving your URL in the information boxes.

It will be interesting to see how many have the same favourite blogs.

Copy and paste this code:

<a href=”put address” target=”_blank”>name of blog</a>

Paste it in the comments section and put the address inside the “” where it says put address, and the name of the blog where it says name of blog. This keeps everything nice and clean for those that follow you.

Oh, and my favourite Dog Blog?

Dennis The Vizsla. Look out for the cement sofa, Dennis!

18 Responses to “Dog Blog Delights – Name your favourite”

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  1. gingela5 says:

    My favorite would have to be:
    Love Lola–she’s such a cutie!

    gingela5’s last blog post..I Heart {Dog} Faces…

  2. the three dog blogger says:

    gingela5, Pawluxury, I think I see them on Twitter all the time. It’s a good blog.

    Aggressive Dog, Sheltie Tales is a great blog. They do lots of great things for Dogs and the redesign is coming along nicely there.

  3. Dog Breed CD says:

    Not really a blog – but I like the dog treat recipes that they have on the website – Dog Treats


  4. the three dog blogger says:

    Dog Breed CD, tut, tut. Breaking the rules! I “somehow” get the feeling you may have something to do with that site!

    I will let it pass though, only because we have a Carob Tree!

  5. I personally only read your dog blog – you’ve got good content and I just don’t have the time to search through others!! But hey if I’ve got a winner why bother to look anyways? 🙂

    Taris Janitens’s last blog post..The Importance of Posting on Other Blogs

  6. hello three dog blogger its dennis the vizsla dog hay thank yoo so much i am verry happy to be yore favrit dog blog and i wil try to mayk shoor mama and dada dont chooze the seement sofa!!! oh gosh i hav so menny dog frends it wood be hard to chooz wun for my favrit but ummmmm i gess if i had to pik just wun it wood be my gud frend dozers blog poor dozer has to put up with eksploding toyz and his noo sister star wot hogs affekshun he kind of reminds me of me wot with my own eksploding toyz and my brother tucker wot hogs affekshun ennyway thanks agin this wuz a neet post of yorez ok bye

    Dennis the Vizsla’s last blog post..wensday wot hasnt got enny wurds in it: avast ye scurvy dogs

  7. the three dog blogger says:

    Taris, too kind, too kind.

    Hey Dennis, you Da Man. FIngers crossed for the sofa situtaion. I will check out Dozers Blog and I hope everyone else does as well.

  8. David Svet says:

    My favorite dog blog is for Wayside Waifs in Kansas City:

    Best animal shelter ever!

    David Svet’s last blog post..Social media for nonprofits: 5 ways to generate great content

  9. Never Say Never Greyhounds

    This blog is a wealth of knowledge for anyone looking for clicker training, agility training, or just help with behavior issues. Jen is a patient trainer who helps people understand their hounds better (and greyhounds, well any sight hound in general are a challenge to train). Check it out. You’ll be addicted to her videos that are frequently posted of their training.

    GreytBlackDog’s last blog post..I’m All In

  10. Shelley says:

    whoops, misspelled my last entry…sorry.
    Greyt Black Dog

    Shelley’s last blog post..Good Report Card

  11. the three dog blogger says:

    David, Greytblackdog and Shelley, thanks for adding some great Dog Blogs to the list.

  12. Dozer says:

    Hey 3 dawg blogger Dennis’s blog is my favrite blog too! We have sumthang in common! Now jest so you know I is not saying this jest cause Dennis sed I wuz his favrite. Me and Dennis go way back like mebbe even a couple months!

    Yer pal Dozer

    Dozer’s last blog post..A Year Ago

  13. the three dog blogger says:

    Hello Dozer, I have been meaning to drop by. I will come visit soon.

  14. Carrie Boyko says:

    Your blog’s name caught my attention, as I often call myself the 3 Dog Pack Leader. Nice digs. Keep up the good work.

    I’m just now venturing into the dog “arena”, while continuing to run my first blog, http://Organic Journey I noticed that my Woofing Wednesday posts were having good hits. Now I’ll find out if it was because of the photos or the topics. We’ll see.

    Carrie Boyko’s last blog post..Happy Valentines Day from My Dogs

  15. Bryan says:

    Good suggestions! Now I have a whole list of blogs to check out! Thanks!

    Bryan’s last blog post..More Zack Photos!