Pets Medicine – The World Of Dog Meds

On average 165 thousand people type “pet meds” in to the top search engine each month. If you combine this with a few other related terms like “pets medicine” and Dog meds etc then you are easily going to be looking at something well over a quarter of a million people looking for sites that offer pets medicines. If you add this to people looking for discount frontline plus and all the associated terms that come with all the other named pet meds like Heartgard, Revolution and a lot of others, then it must be in the millions.

After writing a little about how to stop fleas and ticks and if there was an effective alternative to frontline medicine and looking  in to where to buy frontline I have become quite interested in the whole subject of Dog meds. It is a very competitive virtual world when it comes to medicines for Dogs and Cats. It is definitely very big business. What I found in my limited research in to finding discount frontline and where to buy frontline is that there are some extreme variations in the prices that we can end up paying if we purchase online.

This is especially true for the US where much of the pet meds business is based. I have decided to dedicate this month to a thorough investigation of all manner of topics related to pet medications and things like Canadian Heartworm medicine. You can buy Canadian heartworm medicine in the US. From where to get the best prices for individual pet meds to who is the cheapest overall. I will be taking a proper look at the different flea and tick treatments by brands such as frontline and Advantix, and also looking at other pet medications such as heartworm medicine. It is a very interesting subject. It is fascinating to understand both the lifecycle of the parasites that can cause illness in our Dogs as well as understanding just how the pet meds work. Learning what preventative measures we can take to minimise risk with heartworm pills will also be looked at in detail.

From  the chemical based solutions such as Heartgard by Merial for keeping Dogs free of heartworms, to generic heartworm medicine, to natural alternatives to the most popular pet meds I am going to spend the month going through a lot of information.

I want to take a proper look at most of the top named brands and also see if there really is a difference between the branded Dog meds and their generic cheaper alternatives. We will explore the life-cycle of the heartworm, who should use heartworm medicines on a monthly basis, should we always treat against ticks, should we worm our Dogs every month and are we potentially harming our pets by constantly treating to ward of worms, ticks fleas etc.

More than anything this is an introduction to the month of June which here at the unProfessional Online Dog Training School I will be dedicating my time to hopefully bring you a better understanding of how Dog meds work, what they actually do, the active ingredients and also, quite importantly for some, where to get the best prices.

As a start I wanted to take a look at Pet Care Choice where you can save up to 80% on pet meds. This is a Canadian company that I just came across. It was when I was doing some research in to Canadian heartworm medicine.

Save 80% on pet medications

They had fantastic prices for many of the pet meds but they also sell heartworm medicines without a prescription which makes life a lot easier for many of you in the US where it is now mostly prescription only. For $20 they sell generic heartworm for six months which simply can’t be beaten for price. After I found them I starting comparing them for other pets medicines as well and they compare very well. I will be doing a thorough investigation in to the best source of pet meds online tomorrow so stay tuned. What I wondered about is the fact that they are based in Canada going to stop people from buying from them even though they are cheaper?

I ask this because of the heartworm medicine without a prescription that they offer. It seems they can only do this because they are Canadian registered and that is where the Dog meds are shipped from. Prescription free heartworm medicine is what more and more people are now buying. Heartworm medicine without a prescription certainly makes life easier. If this means you get a better deal and do not have the hassle of getting a prescription then would you use them?

Or do you think that because it is a very grey area about whether it is even legal to have it shipped then you should not buy the pet meds? It’s strange, it would not concern me where I made my purchase from as long as the product is genuine. I would never buy counterfeit Dog Meds, and trust me there are an awful lot of them available, but entering a slightly grey area as to whether I can import from across a border really does not bother me. I would be interested to see what you think about this. Just because one country says you have to have a prescription and another one doesn’t, what is wrong with making your life easier?

I understand the arguments. For things like heartworm medicine you are supposed to get your Dog checked for adult heartworms before giving them a monthly heartworm treatment to keep the larval stages from growing inside your Dog. By making it prescription only it is ensuring that we have talked to a vet before we simply use it on a monthly basis. But if you have done some research then it is not as simple as this. I will talk about all this more over the coming days but for heartworms at least if you use even a generic treatment like Valuheart for at least a year then it can kill the adult worms. This would mean the Dog need not be tested for Adult worms as you will not give an instant treatment to get rid of them. This makes the prescription unnecessary. I know it is all an area that can be argued back and forth and we will take a more in depth looks at all the points raised in the future.

Hopefully by the end of the month you will have learnt as much as me. I will be doing considerable studying and please correct me if I get anything wrong. Never forget to never take what you read online as gospel. I can easily make a mistake so always check with a vet for professional advice when it comes to pets medicine.

This month should see a much better understanding of the world of pets medicines and hopefully by tomorrow I will have found the definitive site that offers the best prices for all Dogs meds.

2 Responses to “Pets Medicine – The World Of Dog Meds”

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  1. Sunny says:

    Thanks for the info 🙂