Some know this and some don’t.
When writing posts you often choose certain words to attract people to your posts via search engines.
Sometimes I do it and sometimes I don’t.
A post that I wrote entitled Nine Ways you can kill a Dog was a post that I DIDN’T think about the words I was using. The post was about ways we can shorten the life of, or harm our Dogs, by not doing certain things, or by overfeeding etc.
Now, I have been getting quite a bit of search engine traffic to this post. But for all the wrong reasons.
What is wrong with people?
The search results are often based on queries like
“How to kill a Dog and get away with it”
“How can I kill my Dog”
“The easiest way to kill a Dog”
And the list goes on. If we do need to put a Dog to sleep surely we all know the proper course of action to take. I don’t need to explain it to anyone.
Anyway, this is just a little rant about What on earth is wrong with people. Don’t they know people can see what they have searched for? Did you?
It may surprise some people, but whenever you search for something in google and then visit a site, the owner can see what you typed, the area you live in and the IP address that you used.
Big Brother is watching you!
Should I delete the post?
May the Doggie Force be with you all.
I would not worry about it. When I look at the web stats on our blogs, I’m amazed at the dumb queries that end up getting pointed at a particular post. Also, being able to see the IP as a blog owner is actually kind of good – if you are concerned that you are seeing a particular IP attached to scary web searches that are finding your blog, you can always just ban that IP!
Beth Donovan’s last blog post..So, Acorn is now teaching people to break into foreclosed homes
Hi Beth, good point. It is just that the searches are coming from lots of different IP’s.
It is amazing the things people search for though.
This is why I hate people … 😛
Dennis the Vizsla’s last blog post..wun of theez things is not like the others
(That was supposed to be a disgusted face but for some reason it got turned into a happy face.)
Dennis the Vizsla’s last blog post..wun of theez things is not like the others
Dennis, It is definitely a worry when you get a hands on view of the things people use the internet for, especially when you know that this is a very mild example.
That’s quite strange, got to believe that there are quite lunatic people wanting to kill their dogs.
Hi Ben, sad but true. I am still getting weird searches for it as well. Not nice.
Just sick. 🙁
megscole64’s last blog post..Discouraging Growth