A Scratch Behind The Ears For Wednesday

Everyone likes a helping hand now and then.

This will be a regular Wednesday post from now on where we can all help each other with a boost to our Blogs, Websites, submitted stories etc. Of course many of us do not have such things but I am sure there is a favourite story on Digg you want Dugg or a favourite site you want to give a mention.

Do you want more Blog comments, a submission on Stumbleupon, a vote on Mixx, more Twitter followers, more friends on Plurk or just want to plug your website. Or do you want me to say hello. Whatever it is, it shall be done.

The Rules – Very Simple

  • Complete my request below
  • Post your request and I will complete it
  • Pick one other request above yours and complete it

That’s it. You may want to get more votes on Digg or get extra comments on your site. You may just want everyone to say HELLO to you. Whatever it is it shall be done (by me at least).

Obviously the quicker you post your request the better the chance you have of everyone below you completing your task as well. The first to comment gains the most as they only have to complete my task.

My Request –

Go to Mixx and register if you don’t have an account (it will take a minute at most) and then go to my Choker Chain submission and, if you like it, vote it up by clicking on the green arrow to the left of the story. That’s it!

To keep the comments section tidy use the following code in your post

<a href=”http://domain.com/” target=”_blank”>Keyword Anchor</a>

Simply copy and paste it in to your comment and put the web address where it says domain.com and the appropriate words where it says Keyword Anchor, the Keyword Anchor words are the only words that will be seen from the whole code and will link to the web site you include. This will keep everything flowing and nice and neat. If you do it and it looks wrong  don’t worry, I will edit it so it works.

This works on trust so please do complete the tasks.

As always anything spammy or anything I deem inappropriate will be instantly deleted.

Good luck.

May the Doggie Force be with you all.

4 Responses to “A Scratch Behind The Ears For Wednesday”

Read below or add a comment...

  1. Kathleen says:

    I have a post on making homemade dog shampoo. I would love some social media love like a Stumble or Digg (Share This at the bottom of the post), but only if you like it. 🙂 Thanks!
    Make your own Homemade Dog Shampoo

    Kathleen’s last blog post..Aloe Vera Plants: Growing, Caring for, Dividing and Using

  2. the three dog blogger says:

    Hi Kathleen,

    I submitted your post to Digg here.

    Hope this helps.

    Next commenter has to do something similar as well for you.

  3. What a wonderful idea you have came up with. I love it. I voted for your post choker chain on digg.

    Kathleen, I voted on your post on stumble and digg.

    Would love to have some twitter friends. I will follow you if you follow me at
    Potty Training Puppies

  4. the three dog blogger says:

    Potty Training Puppies.

    I have added you as a friend on Twitter.

    Thanks for all your fine comments.