Doggie Delights For The Weekend

You all know I love setting tasks to complete for a better life with your Dog.

Some of the most popular have been the 31 Dog Duties for 31 Days (which I know a few of you are still in the process of doing), and 21 ways to a happier Dog and owner has been implemented by quite a few as well.

Well, this one is as much for you (and me) as it is for the Dogs.

I got to thinking last night how me and Mrs.Three Dog Blogger have been spending WAY too much time in the house of late. If we’re not blogging we’re researching, messing about on Twitter or any of the other online activities that suck away your time. Like reading other Dog Blogs instead of this one! (There can be only one “THE Dog Blog”)!

It’s all too easy to get in to a rut and life just passes you by and one week blends in to the next. Same old, same old.

Look, take this weekend for example. What have you got planned? Shopping? TV? A lie in and a laze about the house? Maybe a quick walk with the Dog?

Ditch it!

Here is what I came up with for the weekend.

An Uber Walk!

Forget the mundane, stuff you always do, kind of weekend, and have a bit of an adventure.

When was the last time you went for a real hike? I don’t mean an hour walking in the Dog Park, or a slightly longer expedition out, I mean a three,four, or five hour hike-fest.

OK. This is what I did today and this is what I will be doing this Saturday or Sunday.

We put on our tidy clothes (we are normally in scruffs up here), made the 2 hour round trip to the nearest town, bought a nice bottle of Cava and loads of great food. (Lots of treats for the weekend). Mrs.Three Dog Blogger will be making a nice cake tomorrow and a quiche (she doesn’t know it yet), and on the weekend me and all the Girls will be off to spend some quality time together.

It will be down from this Mountain and up another one. It will be up early and a load of goodies in our Backpacks. By lunch time we will have walked a good two hours up a mountain and will be sat sipping Cava, having a cuddle, and trying to stop the Dogs nicking our quiche!

What could sound better than that? A real long walk in the country leaves you feeling fantastic. By late afternoon you will be home having had a great, special day out and can have a well deserved nap in front of whatever rubbish is on the TV.

I will let you all know how it went with a weekend blog post.

So, here is the challenge.

  • Leave a comment below saying you will do it (it will motivate you)
  • Ditch the usual stuff you do for one day on the weekend.
  • Get yourself a load of goodies and a nice bottle of something
  • Grab a friend, partner or go solo (more food for you)
  • Find a good place to go walking
  • Walk for hours with the little Dogster
  • Come home feeling tired but knowing you had a day to remember
  • Fall asleep in front of the TV.
  • Tell us all how it went in the comments section on my weekend post

Can’t be bad can it?

Got to be better than going to the shops or doing the laundry!

May the Doggie Force be with you all.

11 Responses to “Doggie Delights For The Weekend”

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  1. megscole64 says:

    Oh how fun!!! I wish I could do it this weekend but I have my first agility trial with Trooper Bear. Yay! I’m nervous but excited.

    I wish I could take all four doggies on a long hike but two wouldn’t make it very far. The one (Timber) isn’t so reliable on a leash yet. Trooper could do it though. Maybe next weekend.

    megscole64’s last blog post..Thursday Thunks

  2. jan says:

    This is the weekend between NFL playoffs and the Super Bowl. I always plan something exciting for the dogs who aren’t real big football fans.

    jan’s last blog post..Former French President attacked by pet dog

  3. the three dog blogger says:

    Megscole64, good luck with Trooper. Hope it goes well.

    Jan, good for you. Hope you have a great time.

  4. Lou says:

    Count me in! I have to work Saturdays, so Sunday is Roger Day. A Grand Hike would be perfect!! Maybe I’ll even try to wrangle some fellow dog pawrents to join us.

  5. This sounds like fun, but poor Tucker doesn’t have the energy for such a long hike anymore so we would have to sneak out without his noticing. Maybe we can pretend we’re taking the other dogs to the vet …

    Dennis the Vizsla’s last blog post..this is so not fare

  6. the three dog blogger says:

    Lou, That’s great!

    Let us all know how it went and where you went. Maybe even a blog post. You can add a link in your comment no problem.

    I’m really looking forward to a big day out and the Cava is chilling in anticipation!

    Dennis, Poor Tucker.I remember when our old boy Sam started to slowdown. His mind was willing but the body said no. Maybe Tucker would enjoy a few hours with the sofa to himself?

  7. A blog about dogs?! What took me so long to get here? (I followed you link over from Friar’s blog.)

    Sounds like a great weekend activity you have planned for the crew. Family commitments prevent us from participating in a long hike this weekend, but we’ve done many in the past and look forward to many more in the future.

    Our lucky pooch (Riley) gets two walks a day – about two miles each – so she’s in great shape. We find that winter is the best time to hike, since the trails are less traveled and we can take her off the leash. Can’t wait to get out there soon!

    Rebecca Smith’s last blog post..Two spaces or not two spaces: That is the question.

  8. the three dog blogger says:

    Hi Rebecca, Glad to have you here. Sounds like Riley gets lots of lovely exercise. Winter is definitely better for us too. It is just too hot here in Summer to go for long walks.

    Our big walk is delayed until tomorrow. There is a major wind blowing at the moment and it’s hard to even stand up outside!

    Hope to hear from you again soon.

  9. Lindsay says:

    You’re right, it’s been way too long since Ace and I had a good long hiking trip. If only I had read this on Thursday or Friday. And if only it weren’t -10. I’d really like to drive a few hours to one of the great parks, but we’ll have to wait til it’s a little warmer. I think tomorrow we’ll try to get bundled up (he wears a vest and boots) and try to get an hour walk in. We’ll bring the camera.