Shy Dog Training Continued

I have spoken before about how different our Dogs personalities are. Looking after Dogs is always a challenge, and Shy Dog Training needs a very careful approach. I was reminded of this earlier today when we arrived Home.

Myself and Mrs. Three Dog Blogger had gone off to Town on a visit and decided we would take Jet with us so we could keep an eye on her as part of her Dog Spaying Recovery program. She is doing well but still a little too energetic to be left to run around at home for hours on end. We also took Faye with us as if we were out all day the House just might not be there when we return!

As it happened we were Home by late Morning. Daisy, our Shy Dog was left alone as she is always the well behaved one. Normally she is fine and just settles down to sleep, glad of a little peace.

As we got to the front door we could hear Her whining, excited that we were Home, and that the gang would all be back together. Now, we have a rule, that we don’t make much of a fuss of  the Dogs for a few minutes when we first get Home. This calms them down quickly and stops them making such an event of it. It has worked, and now they are a lot calmer and even Faye can be left at Home for a good few hours without chewing up the House!

As is the way with all training, you sometimes forget. Daisy came running out the Door and we both automatically went to give her a fuss. She peed instantly!

I don’t know if She thought we were going to do something bad (which we never have), or if She thought She had been naughty and that is why we left Her. She has been left before so I don’t think it was that.

Shy Dog Training May Take A Lifetime

When we got inside we found two small umbrellas on the Sofa. She had taken them there and probably had a little sleep with them next to Her. No chewing or anything, they were just on the Sofa.

Daisy The Umbrella Thief!

Maybe She thought She had been naughty and would get told off? I am not sure. She is still such a delicate Shy Dog even after us having Her for over a year and a half.

She has come such a long way in so many respects, and quite often you would not realise She is Shy at all. It takes little things like this to remember that Shy Dogs need to be treated very carefully, and Shy Dog Training is a very long commitment.

I am just so glad we got her out of the Shelter when She was still very young. I think if She had been left there for a few more months then She would have ben a complete wreck for the rest of Her life.

Do you have a Shy Dog? How long have you had to be very careful about how you act with it?

Do you think Dogs that are Shy when they are young will always be a bit timid?

8 Responses to “Shy Dog Training Continued”

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  1. Jennifer says:

    Our dog Felanie was shy when we moved into her house and took over her care (she was age 2). She also peed in the way you describe when we came home. At first, she did this a lot. This is submissive urination; dogs do it to show that they are the low man on the totem pole, so to speak: “Hi there, you’re the boss and I know it, see?” That’s probably just what Daisy was saying. When shy dogs become very excited, they are more likely to urinate submissively, and I’m sure Daisy was excited that you were home.

    Over time, Fel became more confident about her position in the “pack” and no longer felt the need to submissively urinate. It took a while to get there; we took her through several obedience classes and followed a “No Free Lunch” structure in the house to strengthen her bond with us and to build her confidence.

    Shyness can’t be eliminated because it is part of a dog’s temperament. However, it can be modified through training and socialization. Once I “inherited” Felanie, she got so much training and socialization that her behaviors changed for the better; in later years, you wouldn’t have been able to tell she was shy except under stressful, unusual circumstances.

    Similarly, Daisy will probably be shy to some degree all her life, but there are some things you can do to lessen her shyness. If you feel like this is something you want to change. (As you know, this is one of the questions I am asking about Dozer–is it worth it to try and modify his behavior if the behavior isn’t particularly damaging and he’s 8 years old?)

    The good thing about shy dogs is that (provided they are not painfully shy) they tend to be the careful, gentle, thoughtful dogs in the group. 🙂

    Jennifer’s last blog post..The trainer came…

  2. Three Dog Blogger says:

    Jennifer, thanks for such a great comment. Daisy is definitely the gentle soul of the group.

    She has come an awful long way, it is just easy to forget at times that things you do with the other Dogs can be scary for her.

    It sounds like you came an awful long way with Felanie and I congratulate you.

    Dozer is too busy blogging to be need to concern himself with external factors. If he got out too much he might stop blogging:)

    It is strange with Daisy, she is not at the bottom of the pack with the other Dogs. As I type all hell is breaking loose next door as they all see who can get the best body slam in!!

    I think it is great that you have confirmed that it takes a lot of time to change a shy Dog. No one should expect it to happen too quickly.

  3. Cathy says:

    I think some dogs (like people) are just born shy. I’m sure the shelter didn’t help any with that.
    We got our Buddy when he was very young, 5 weeks, far too young to leave his mom but the circumstances were beyond my control.
    He’s fine with us and is a total clown but he is very shy around animals and people he doesn’t know.

    Cathy’s last blog post..Buddy’s Dog Joke and a Bonus!

  4. Three Dog Blogger says:

    Hi Cathy, I think the Shelter was definitely just too chaotic and loud for a Shy Dog.

    Buddy really was very young to leave hi Mom but I hope his is getting along well.

  5. Friar says:

    I feel sorry for shy dogs. They don’t get it. They just don’t get it. And they’re not gonna change.

    Poor things. If only they realized how much FUN Uncle Friar could be…

  6. Three Dog Blogger says:

    Friar, I know what you mean. Sometimes with Daisy I just wish she knew what Fun she was missing out on. She has her Fun in such a quiet, serious way at times.

  7. Submission peeing is about getting distance from something a dog is not 100% comfortable with. Ignore the dog when you come home, social pressure can cause the urination.

  8. BTW there’s lots of information on my website to give you ideas about thinking about your dogs, and working with them.