5 Ways to Make Your Dog Smile

Ok, Maybe not literally, although it does often seem like the three Bone Munchers smile at me when we are all having fun.

Dogs certainly let you know when they are happy though. Tails wagging like they are trying to take off from the floor, and a wiggly botty that seems to have a mind of it’s own!

However busy life gets it is important to always spend some quality time with the Dog in your life. A bit of fun time helps to cement the bond with your Dog and will help to ease away the stresses of everyday life.

See how Smiley Faye is, even though she just got caught nicking the washing off the line!

So what shall we do today? Lets make sure we do all of the following with our little poop machines today.

  1. Lie down on the floor and roll about. Your Dog will be all over you in seconds. They love it when you are at their level.
  2. Make up at least five new nickie namies for your Dog and call it them in a stupid voice. You can’t beat seeing a Dog wobbling it’s head from side to side in total confusion at the idiocy of us Humans. There are tons of nickie namies in the comments section of my Doggie Woggie Nickie Namies post.
  3. A super long walk. You won’t get a happier Dog than when it is out on a super long walk. If your Dog is trusted off lead then go somewhere where the Muttster can have some freedom and really get a good run. Our Girls are never happier than when they are sniffing  about following up on all those oh so exciting smells.
  4. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, Raw Meaty Bones, you won’t make a Dog happier. Get a good sized Bone and your Dog will be in munchie wunchie paradise. You have the added bonus of some quiet time as the Bone gets slowly munched away.
  5. Take some photos. It’s great to get some snaps of your Dog to reflect on in the future. This will make your Dog smile as it knows to move out of shot as soon as you try to take the picture!

So, just a few little things we can all do with our Dogs for today.

Let me know if you do them all or what other great things you and the Demon Dog get up to today.

May the Doggie Force be with you all.


13 Responses to “5 Ways to Make Your Dog Smile”

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  1. ssshhh i’ve found a v naughty way to make your dog smile. give it a tiny tiny piece of roast lamb!

    i know i know, but it has made a v v happy jet!

    don’t forget – don’t spoil your dog but come on they all get a sneaky treat occasionally don’t they?

    mrs three dog blogger’s last blog post..Spooky Sunday Piccy Post

  2. the three dog blogger says:

    Oy, Mrs.Three Dog Blogger,

    You’re ruining my reputation with comments like that! I’m gonna ban you as spam if you carry on like that!

  3. sjloveday says:

    I enjoyed the post and now am off to Mrs Threedogblogger’s sights for some enjoyment…let’s see a blog about the nervous fidgets of our dogs eh? Or is it just my Mere Fuddly that has one?

  4. jan says:

    My dogs don’t like the camera thing. I think they may have “wanted” posters of them in the post office.

    jan’s last blog post..Narc dog for rent to parents

  5. I love playing with my dog on the floor as you describe – its tough being a little guy – sometimes you gotta come down to their level 🙂

    Taris Janitens’s last blog post..Do You Digg What I’m Saying?

  6. Friar says:

    If they’re in a playful mood, get close to them,down to their level, and quietly say “….Whaaaat?”

    Makes ’em go ballistic. Every time.

    Friar’s last blog post..Calorie Counting with Perfesser Friar

  7. the three dog blogger says:

    Hey Friar,

    I did it this morning. It was bonkers time. Faye, especially, loved it.

    Good Doggie playtime tip.

  8. My dog likes to spread all four of his legs out with his belly touching the hardwood floor. I give him a push to make him go sliding across the floor. He comes running back to me for me to do it again. The crazy little things that my dog loves!

  9. Friar says:

    @three dog blogger


    See? That trick never fails! 😀

    Friar’s last blog post..Calorie Counting with Perfesser Friar

  10. dog lover says:

    ok im a dog lover and i dont like comming in looking for ways to make my dog happy and finding nine ways to KILL your dog so i am going to spread my word and get people to never come to your website i know some people want to kill their dog but when i click on a link about making your dog smile i dont want to find nine ways to kill your dog change that and maybe ill come back

  11. Three Dog Blogger says:

    Frankly you amaze me at your comment. If you actually took the time to read the post you would realize how daft your comment was. The post is exactly the opposite of what you think, it is how to ensure you are a responsible Dog owner. Don’t comment unless you bother to read the article, you should not be so quick to judge someone.

  12. Rose says:

    Who is smiling more? The owner or the dog!

    They do make our life more enjoyable!