Here in Spain it is the law that all Dogs must have a Dog Car Harness, a Dog Seat Belt or be caged in the boot (trunk?) when travelling in vehicles. I was reminded of the importance of this the other day when we were on an infrequent outing. A car passed us with two fairly large Dogs jumping all over the place in the back of the car, and the front passenger was shouting like mad at them to calm down! The dangers of this are all too apparent but it is one of those small, inexpensive things […]
Nine Ways You Can Kill A Dog
We all love our little Bone Munchers but it is easy to forget some very basic facts when it comes to the welfare of our Dogs. It is too easy to forget that there are many ways we may harm or even kill our Dogs unintentionally, or by forgetting some simple rules. Here is a reminder of nine of the most important things to consider when it comes to Doggie Welfare. Obesity. The number 1 cause of premature death in Dogs is caused by obesity. Ensure you never overfeed your Dog and check regularly that your Dog is not […]
Dog Car Safety Harness or Seat Belt (keep you and your dog safe)
Here in Spain it is the law that all Dogs in cars must either be in the boot with a grill stopping them being able to get in to the back seat or if they are in the back seat they must have a safety harness or dog car seat belt. They take Dog Car Safety very seriously. This is a fantastic idea, especially if you have a slightly rowdy or very nervous dog. It stops the dogs getting in to the front of the car and causing untold problems whilst driving but also stops them inflicting great damage […]
A Good Dog Day………………………………….until.
The day was planned. I was heading to the coast with all three monsters as I would be out for a long time and wanted to keep the house standing. I was heading down from the mountain to my Mums house. She lives somewhere sensible near to the ocean and with nice easy access. We on the other hand live up a Catalan mountain at 500m along a 2 KM dirt track only accessible with a 4X4. We all got in the car and as I am on a roll with car problems of late it wouldn’t start. I […]
My Dog Is Making Me Look Bonkers!
Recently i have been taking all three dogs in the car with me which is normally OK. If i am going to be out all day i don’t really always want to leave them at home as Faye still has a slight shoe fetish if she is left alone for too long. Daisy is fine at home and Jet the puppy – well i haven’t left her all day yet but i am guessing she would get up to a bit of mischief as she is still only a little pup. All three dogs are on the back seat […]