Does Your Dog Twitter?

In the UK this morning Twitter is all over the news. Stephen Fry, Twitter user and all round Super individual appeared on Jonathan Ross yesterday and was talking about Twitter.

The news stations have jumped on the bandwagon and are debating it endlessly.

Stephen Fry twittered on about Tweeting and micro-blogging and how much he enjoys the interaction that Twitter can bring.

Anyway, the point of this post is do you Twitter?

At the moment I have 461 followers on Twitter and it seems to be growing quite regularly. You can follow me by clicking here or the little counter on the top left of the page.

What I love about Twitter now that I have the hang of it is the little snippets of peoples lives that you get to see. People Tweet about all sorts of things but I mostly interact with fellow Dog lovers. It’s great to see what Dog owners or Dogs are up to at the moment.

There are also a surprising number of Dogs with Twitter accounts. How they have learned to type is a mystery me to me but they seem to do it quite well! If you haven’t got a Twitter account yet why not give it a go.? It’s a great way to interact with people and see what is going on in the Doggie world.

Once you join you can use the search function at the bottom of the page to search for whatever topic you are interested in. You can then follow the Dogs or people that are talking about that topic.

Why not let us know your Twitter ID in the comments section below and we can all follow you and vice versa. I would love to follow some more Doggies so why not teach your Dog to type and let them loose on Twitter.

I just hope that Stephen Fry hasn’t crashed Twitter today!

May the Doggie Force be with you all.

15 Responses to “Does Your Dog Twitter?”

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  1. Riayn says:

    I am on Twitter and can be found at

    I must admit that I am kinda addicted to Twitter. I love reading what everyone is up to.

    Riayn’s last blog post..Home Sweet Home

  2. the three dog blogger says:

    Wow, that was quick Riayn, I just posted this a few minutes ago. I wonder how many new followers you will get?

  3. Barb says:

    My twitter ID is . I tweet about my dog sometimes, food a lot and, today, the neurotic dog I am watching.

    Barb’s last blog post..TWD: Savory Corn Muffins..

  4. Mary Jo says:

    I’m a dog lover and twitter lover. Check out my mundane life at

    Have a great day!

  5. Digger says:

    I’m a twittering dog, though still trying to figure the whole thing out…

  6. Kat Humble says:

    I’m not a dog, but I take photos of them!

    Love them lots too!

    Cheers, Kat

  7. My greyhounds and me:

    My grey girls don’t have their own Twitter IDs yet, but we all share that one. 🙂

    Jen S. (@jswo)’s last blog post..2009 vegetable garden: planning

  8. KianaB says:

    I usually twitter about my greyhound. I also complain about grad school, and my lack of sleep 🙂

  9. I actually just signed up for twitter for actually – I’ve yet to start following others such as yourself – but I’ve just been swamped so I have some catching up to do!! 🙂

    Taris Janitens’s last blog post..Hope to do Business with You!!

  10. Yes! Twitter is a fun, inviting place to share information and connect with those of every species 😉
    I welcome all followers, especially fellow pet parents!

    Nadine M. Rosin’s last blog post..Fun, New Way to Find Books You’ll Love!

  11. Lindsay says:

    My boyfriend has been trying to get me on Twitter for a few months now. I’m going to set up an account tomorrow.

  12. the three dog blogger says:

    Hi to all that added their ID.

    Taris, gad you finay signed up.

    Lindsay, once you get in to it it can be a great way to meet new peolpe. It brings lots of great visitors to your site as well.

  13. Lindsay says:

    Hey I’m on there now. Now I just have to get some followers!

  14. the three dog blogger says:

    That’s great Lindsay. What I learnt is to make a good few Tweets before folowing many people.
    It puts them off if they don’t see any updates. Once you are on there for a while you can put links to your new blog posts etc. Tweetlater and Twitterfeed are also good.
    Having mini conversations with people also builds up a presence.
    Also I now use TweetDeck which is much easier than via the web and a lot quicker and nicer on the eye.
    Look forward to Tweeting with you and I hope this helps.

  15. Lindsay says:

    Thanks a lot!