I must admit, I used to be on Twitter quite a lot but simply never find the time now. But for those of you who are still avid Twitter users, don’t you want to know how the little pooch is doing all day? Well, welcome to the Puppy Tweets Twitter Tag! That’s right, simply put the new Mattel Puppy Tweets Dog collar on and you can get Tweets throughout the day from your stay at home Dog while you are out. If you want cool messages from the Dog that are based around what it is doing then this […]
Cheap Christmas Presents For Dogs
It’s that time again. Time to go to Amazon and pick out a Toy or a Treat for the Dogs. I am not sure what to get the three Girls who have everything this year and are the real stars of the Dog blog. I mean, what more could a Dog want? They have the Catalan countryside to run about in, although because it is hunting season they are actually under house arrest at the moment, which is unfortunate for them but also for me and the good lady as well. And to top it all off the EVIL […]
Nylabone For Dogs. Is a Nylabone Bone Safe?
Nylabone Bones are a regular feature in many Dog owners homes. Looking after Dogs is often a busy and hectic life and often we like to have some quiet time. Giving the Dogs something to chew on is a great way to have peace for a while. I am a firm believer in Raw Meaty Bones for the Dogs. They get a good few bones every week and there are always a few hanging around outside for them to chew on. Raw Meaty Bones keep them quiet for hours and is also a great form of teeth cleaning for […]
How To Stop A Dog From Chewing, Get An Indestructible Dog Toy
With Christmas truly on it’s way I guess I should do a plug for a Doggie Toy. You can’t neglect them when it’s prezzie time. Dogs love getting something they can have a good old play with so why not get something that will last and may also stop the dogs from chewing up the house. I know that this is a problem for many. Especiall if you have a new dog or a puppy. How To Stop Dogs From Chewing It can be a real problem for some. Our solution was to put a bit of oil laced […]