Although I have written about Dangerous Food For Dogs and I wrote a post dedicated to the benefits of Raw Chicken for Dogs I still seem to be getting quite a few questions about Chicken Bones and whether or not Dogs eating Chicken Bones is dangerous. If your Dog ate Chicken Bones and you are worried then consult a Vet, but here I will finally put the issue of Dogs and Chicken Bones to rest. Can Dogs Eat Chicken Bones? Are Chicken Bones Dangerous For Dogs? The answer is yes and no! Don’t worry, I will explain what they […]
Chicken Dog Treats
As I wind my way around the “tinternet” looking at all things Dog related I am amazed just how many different recipes there are for homemade Dog Treats. There are recipes for Organic Dog Treats, Diabetic Dog Treats and even Holistic Hypoallergenic Organic Dog Treats (I’m not kidding)! I’m not going to just post a recipe for how to make a homemade Dog Treat. You can do a Google search and you will have enough recipes to keep you busy in the Kitchen for a lifetime and your Dog very fat indeed. Any regulars to the site know I […]
Do You Feed Your Dog Raw Meaty Bones? Dogs Love Raw Meat
Before we had our present dogs we had a fantastic male dog. We always fed him only dried food and he was always great company. He was energetic and full of life until very old age when he finally slowed down. We did however always have a few recurring problems with him. He quite often had very bad breath He had lots of teeth extracted at much expense At least twice a year he had to have his anal glands emptied by the Vet Not very nice i know but this is how it was. We were given some […]