All New Posts Now Available In Audio Format

We have found a fantastic new service which means that from the previous post onwards, all new posts will now be available as a podcast. You can download them from here

or click on the audio subscribe button on the top right hand of the page. I think this is a great idea for anyone who likes to listen to something a bit different on their way to work etc or just can’t be bothered to read for a bit.

You can also click on the listen now button at the top of each post and hear what I am mumbling on about at the moment. Let me know what you think.

4 Responses to “All New Posts Now Available In Audio Format”

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  1. Wow thats really cool actually!!! Definitely have to look into this!!

    Taris Janitens’s last blog post..My Stock Picks: Update!

  2. the three dog blogger says:

    It actually works quite well doesn’t it? Gives people an option to listen to something a bit different. I’m definitely going to keep it.

  3. TC says:

    Very cool! I’ll have to look into that!

    TC’s last blog post..Plain Jane Necklace

  4. What a great idea!

    Mountain Girl’s last blog post..I’ve Moved Now blogging at