Nylabone For Dogs. Is a Nylabone Bone Safe?

Nylabone Bones are a regular feature in many Dog owners homes. Looking after Dogs is often a busy and hectic life and often we like to have some quiet time. Giving the Dogs something to chew on is a great way to have peace for a while. I am a firm believer in Raw Meaty Bones for the Dogs. They get a good few bones every week and there are always a few hanging around outside for them to chew on. Raw Meaty Bones keep them quiet for hours and is also a great form of teeth cleaning for […]

End Of Year Best Doggie Related Sellers

This New Year’s Eve I have been  browing through Amazon and I came across quite a few interesting discoveries. For a start there are some quite surprising Bestsellers in the Dog related sections. What is worrying though is that in the general Pets section sales for Cat related products are a lot higher than those for Dogs. Can’t be right, surely? Anyway, I thought it would be fun to compile some top tens to see what everyone thinks and what their opinions are. It is also fun to see what the world has bought for their Dogs this year. […]