If you have read my previous posts then you know that i have a slight chicken mountain problem! Boy can my dogs eat chicken. Anyway all has been going quite well, considering. Much as they hate it the dogs have either been in the house or with me when i go out. I obviously have been taking them for walks and they have been very well behaved considering the temptatons of a pile of rotting chickens that they are dying to eat. They have been staying close and not really properly trying to run off. So today i had […]
Does Your Dog Eat Raw Chickens?
We often feed our dogs raw bones or chicken wings and if we were richer they would get a lot more raw meat and bones. Unfortunately that is not really the topic of this post but i will be writing about the pros cons of raw meat for your dogs next. If you have read my about page then you know we live in the countryside in Spain and are quite remote. Each parcel of land is known as a Finca. There are small to large plots and normally they have a small building on them. Now there are […]