With a few days of relaxing over Christmas, this morning we were confronted with a flurry of morning craziness.
Dogs were jumping all over the place and acting like a bunch of overexcited children. The good Mrs. Three Dog Blogger took the Girls for a walk while I hurriedly Chainsawed some wood and put some under cover as it seems like rain is on the way (one day I will get it sorted in advance)!
On their return it seems like they are having one of those days. Why?
Well, this is the point of this post. As I sit her typing and Mrs. Three Dog Blogger is talking on the phone I can see that the Girls are not at their happiest. Ears are down and energy levels are rising. With only a few days of basic walks they have quickly built up massive stores of energy. Jet the little monkey Pup has been trying to eat my lovely ladies’ long blond hair and anything else she feels is suitable for an under stimulated puppy. It is amazing how quickly they can revert back to the start of what will quickly become very bad behaviour.
This only goes to prove the point that a lot of bad Dog behaviour is simply down to a lack of stimulation and more importantly a lack of exercise. When the good lady is off the phone (hopefully today) we shall be going for a big hike up the mountain to burn of all that excess Doggie energy.
This is something that should never be overlooked.
Dogs MUST be given sufficient exercise.
Walk your Dog for as long as you possibly can every day and give them plenty of exercise treats. By this I mean taking them somewhere different as often as you can. New surroundings will stimulate them and they will enjoy the walk even more. Try to go for long (I mean a good hour or two) walk at least once a week. You will have a much better behaved and happier Dog if it has lots and lots of exercise.
So, is your Dog happy?
Do you walk it at least twice a day?
Do you go for an adventure every week?
Never forget that a well exercised Dog is a happy and better behaved Dog, and a tired Dog is a happy owner.
Well the phone battery is now dead so it is time to get my coat and hopefully a nice quiet afternoon will then follow.
The kind of stimulation you mention also raises the dog’s IQ and makes for healthier and happier bipeds. My dogs limit my computer and TV time and I am grateful for that.
jan’s last blog post..The dark side of that puppy in the window
My dog is definitely happy!! She not only gets a lot of exercise, play time, and love, but even an occasional treat from us in terms of human food lol bad i know!
Taris Janitens’s last blog post..Monster trucks? MINI Monster Trucks?? HUH???
Some great points Jan.
Sounds like your Dog gets all the love it needs Taris.