Dogs Love To Eat Almond Nuts. Or Is It Just Mine?

Update. After some research I have done because of lots of people finding this page after a google search with the question “can dogs eat Almonds” it seems that Almonds may be harmful to Dogs. I am not going to risk it in the future and I would advise you to be on the safe side as well.

Give them a lovely Dog Treat alternative instead. It is always better to be safe than sorry in my opinion.

We own a lot of Olive trees and also about seventy Almond trees.

This year was a very bad Almond harvest and there weren’t really enough to sell. We bashed the trees and collected and de-husked the Almonds. We left them in their shells until we were ready to prepare them for roasting.

They were put in a canvas back and put in a corner of the room ready to be dealt with.

Never Leave Things Where Your Dog Can Get Them

I know this rule applies to young dogs but i totally forgot about the Almonds.

So for once i decided to have a dog free day. I went out and left the dogs at home. Expecting a few consequences but I had hidden all the shoes so i felt i was on relatively safe ground.

I had a good day out and about and was looking forward to coming home after a nice quiet day with no face tickling (read the previous posts).

It Was An Almond Massacre!

The Girls have extremely strong teeth!

They had crunched through the hard outer shells and devoured countless Almonds. There were shells in the Kitchen, Living Room, Dining Room. Everywhere. One of them had even decided to go to bed and munch a few there!

I don’t know how many they got through but are stocks are much depleted.

At least all the shoes were intact!

When Are The  Dogs Full?

Never I tell you. I went out to feed the chickens with the dogs following close behind and staring longingly at their favourite bird. I came out of the coop and i couldn’t believe my eyes…….There was Faye jumping up at an Almond tree trying to get what was still left on the tree!

A Dog Can Never Get Enough Almonds.. Guard Those Nuts!

May the Doggie Force be with you all.

2 Responses to “Dogs Love To Eat Almond Nuts. Or Is It Just Mine?”

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  1. Shobin Chawla says:

    I have found that its not necessary if a dog likes something, other would like it too. Like my dog love mangoes but my aunts dog love eating raw tomato.