Heartworms And Dogs

As part of the series of pets medicine posts I am going to produce a 2 post guide to heartworms and Dogs. This first post will talk about what exactly heartworms are and the life-cycle of heartworms in Dogs. The second post will take a look at the different heartworm medicines available and compare them to each other as far as price and how effective they are. You can view the price comparison for heartworm medicines for Dogs here. Pet meds are a series business and as we saw in the cheapest pet medicines post there are some crazy […]

Dog Pet Meds – The Cheapest Pets Medicines

After the first post about pets medicine yesterday which begins the series of pet meds posts, I have been spending some time comparing the prices of a few of the top names of pets medicine suppliers online. There are a few names that always seem to turn up when looking for online pet meds so the comparisons are based on what people will actually find if they type in associated terms in to a search engine. I wrote how impressed I was with Pet Care Choice because they seemed to have the best prices, at least for some pet […]