Good Vibes in the Hen Coop

Morning all – he’s out, I’m home all day in charge of the three dogs so thought hey why not, I can break into his blog and be in charge of the three dog blog too! You may remember I broke in before to mention the disgruntled hens.  Well I can now report – thanks to their web exposure and some good comments that all is well again.  I went to the hen-coop this morning to do the watering and feeding to find every hen had laid an egg.  That’s the first time we’ve had a full quota of […]

Mutiny in the Hen Coop

This is Mrs Three Dog Blogger with an Announcement Sorry about this but I’ve been accosted by the hens who are NOT happy.  They’ve asked me to let you all know the following: What the Cluck? How come the cat gets a mention, but we four hard-working hens don’t? There will be eggsactly no eggs for the Mr in future if the situation isn’t rectified quick smart.  We’ve come to terms with the dogs being your favorites – their big teeth scare us and you always seem so happy jumping up and down talking VERY loudly to them on […]