Having had Jet, our youngest Dog, who is just under nine months old, Spayed five days ago I thought it would be a good idea here at the Dog Blog to give a little advice on Dog spaying and tell what happened to our Dogs after being Spayed. Female Dog Spaying aftercare is especially important and there are a few things we should all know. As always though, these are just my opinions and experiences. If you are ever in any doubt about any aspect of looking after Dogs then consult your Vet. I wrote previously about when I […]
Doggie Conversations…….
“Why have I got this big plastic thing on my head?” “You daft Puppy, don’t you know it’s called an Elizabethan Collar” “I don’t care, I keep banging in to furniture and my belly hurts too. It’s not fair” “Well, me and Daisy had it as well so there. You’re not special” “But why?” “It’s because you had an operation on Monday. You have to have it on so you don’t lick at your belly sewing” “Well I don’t like it. I won’t lick my belly if the shouty Man will take it off” “We all tried that and […]
When to Get Your Dog Sterilised/Spayed
Note: Please see my female Dog Spaying post for lots of information on post spaying care. We did a lot of reading up on when we should get our dogs spayed. Female Dog Spaying, and when, is a very divided field. There is a lot of information available but most of it is quite conflicting. Basically there are two main camps. You should get your dog spayed as soon as possible You should let your dog have its first season before being spayed We decided that we were slightly swayed by the latter but looking back for us and […]